Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My Literary Endeavor

What is the year 1991?  It is a possible future of literature.  It is a project born from the notion that technology has the potential to enhance literary experience.

The Year 1991 is designed to provide a real-time experience for the reader.  Each episode will be released through a blog post as if the character is posting it himself.  I'm not even sure what I should call this endeavor.  It's not a novel.  It could be considered a collection of related short stories.  But there will be more to the experience.  I'm even thinking of incorporating Twitter into the real-time aspect of the series.  

Honestly, you'll get the best idea of what I'm talking about by reading it.  Take the dive here --> the year 1991

BTW, I would love any feedback you have!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Path to Good Writing

First of all, I need to post more.  I should promise a post a week.  Therefore, if I miss a post, I shall be branded a liar and sentenced to a week in the village stocks.  Oh, the ridicule I would have to endure!  Although, the experience could be something to write about.  People like to read about failure, no?

I'm a horrible writer.  I've known since I was a wee little boy in elementary school.  My stories were one-dimensional, featuring characters that woke up, brushed their teeth, ate breakfast, and did things that any average homo sapien sapien would do on a bright, sunny summer day.  Writing was never in the scope of my plans-for-the-future radar.  I scoffed when my parents suggested that I become an author when I was little.  Writing?  Hah!  I might as well be an astrophysicist (sadly, that never worked out)!

I didn't really look like that, in case you were wondering.

My writing continued to disappoint me throughout my primary schooling.  I was never taught proper grammar.  Of course, I was taught basic grammar in elementary school.  A period here and a comma there.  Semicolons?  Colons?  You'll learn how to use those in middle school, my teacher said.  Great!  Hello Ms. Middle School Teacher, I'm ready for my grammar lesson!  Oh, how I was shot down!  Dear, you should have learned your grammar in elementary school.  But, stay tuned, you might learn some advanced grammar in high school, cute little prepubescent boy.  I wish I knew how to roll my eyes back then.

(To my english teachers.  I may be exaggerating a little bit.  Y'all were awesome.  I merely critiquing the state and city curriculum.)