The whole of all your experiences, when pieced together, make up the lens through which you view the world. The richer and more diverse your life is, the easier it'll be to see the world in its numerous dimensions. Every thing that happens to you expands your ability to relate to others (including non-humans).
There are things that you can't imagine, can't fathom, without experiencing it firsthand. For example, love. What is love? I know what platonic love and unconditional love is. But I've never been "in love." I can watch as many movies and read as many books as I can but they are not sufficient substitutes for possessing the real feeling. People say that "you will know" when you experience it.
Step 1: Experience. Step 2: Write in sand. |
Recently, I went skydiving. Jumping out of a plane is something I've always wanted to do in my lifetime. It's also something that is hard to truly fathom. I've seen movies where people skydive and can only imagine what it feels like. You need to experience it to comprehend the feeling.